Welcome to the application portal for the 

Cal Poly CIE Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

The SBDC promotes the development of technology-focused ventures by providing high-quality business assistance to start-ups and established companies. We help entrepreneurs launch companies, create and retain jobs, and attract capital investment. We are a top resource for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, offering no-cost, expert one-on-one business consulting, training and online courses in startup assistance, debt and equity funding, sales and marketing and product commercialization.

Open Application(s):

AngelCon Fund 8 Investor Application (Sept 4, 2024 - Feb 21,  2025)

Angel Investors propel early-stage startups by investing money in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. The SBDC has generated an investment fund financed by local individual investors. Investors have strong involvement in the evaluation, due diligence, and selection process of AngelCon applicants leading up to the live event.

Contribute to our local economy by becoming an active investor and learn to spot  groundbreaking new business ventures and innovative technology.

Incubator Program in the CIE HotHouse (open enrollment)

This two-year program includes everything needed for early-stage companies to develop into financially stable, high-growth enterprises by providing the tools, training and infrastructure that help facilitate smarter, faster growth.

Please know that our area of focus is in supporting tech and innovation startups. More specifically, startups launched by entrepreneurs whose business focus is on innovation. The innovation typically involves new technology or new uses of existing technology. The technology is based on intellectual property (IP) or a new application of existing IP contributing to a strong competitive advantage in the marketplace, serving as a foundation for a high rate of growth.

While tech and innovation is the main focus for the program, all industries are accepted and encouraged to apply. Including but not limited to:

  • Aerospace
  • Ag Tech
  • Clean Tech
  • Med Tech

The area of focus for the CIE Incubator program is to support tech and innovation startups, specifically startups launched by entrepreneurs whose business focus is on innovation. The innovation typically involves new technology or new uses of existing technology. The technology is based on intellectual property (IP) or a new application of existing IP contributing to a strong competitive advantage in the marketplace, serving as a foundation for a high rate of growth.

To be eligible for this 2-year program you must have at least one full-time employee. If you are currently a student, please apply for our Hatchery program.

Please complete all of the questions in the application. Once you submit your application, the Cal Poly CIE team will review it and notify you by the end of the month of your status. You may be called for an interview before your company is admitted to the program.  If you have any questions, please contact calpolycie@gmail.com.

To view a list of past Incubator companies visit the CIE Website.

Cal Poly CIE Small Business Development Center